Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas to all of our blog readers!!!!

Merry Christmas to all!  Tony, Lenna, Sarge and I hope everyone of our blog readers is having a wonderful holiday.  We have had a wonderful Christmas so far. 

Yesterday we skyped Grandma Jennie and Grandpa Frank.  They got Lenna some very cute outfits.

We got together with Grandma Sue, Grandpa Larry and Uncle Paully and Auntie Kayla last night.  Lenna got lots of good gifts from her Granparents and Uncle.  Grandma got her an activity center which has lots of good learning and stimulating toys on it.  Uncle Paully got her "Bullseye" Rocking Horse, the horse from Toy Story and another learning toy.  Kayla got her a new "John Deere Babe" outfit. 

Uncle Paully thought it was funny and wraped up a 4 foot long box full of packing peanuts.  It conisisted of 12 coffee mugs that I had to dig out one by one and a casserole dish.  Paully hid a gift card in one of the cups.  Boy did we laugh.  We had packing peanuts all over the place.  I think Paully had lots of "Christmas Cheer" in him when he decided to tactfully wrap our present.  Tony got me a flip video which I already made a wonderful movie to share with you all about our Christmas day.  Tony got an ipod that was 'pre-loaded' with music thanks to Lenna and I working on this in advance. 

Oh Lenna also got a Zu Zu pet (sp?) from the Ashfeld's in Albany.  It circles around the floor by itself.  Sarge thought it was a mouse and kept chasing it.  I think he believes that is his toy.

Santa came last night and we had lots of fun opening presents this morning with Lenna.  She got another rocking horse - one without a saddle so she can ride bareback on this one, :).  She also got a home depot toolset, some clothes, puzzles, books. 

We went to Buffalo Lake for Christmas dinner to celebrate with Great Grandma Helen, Grandma Sue, and many Great Aunts, Uncles, & Cousins. 

Now Lenna is just enjoying her toys and our messing living room.  At least she's happy!  We are very lucky to be sharing this first Christmas with Lenna.